
ERP built to support business processes within the professional service industry such as accounting

Selecting a new ERP solution is a major decision for any agency. To secure optimal support of your processes, it is crucial that your ERP solution is tailored to your particular way of doing business.

Audit & Tax is an ERP solution for accounting firms that will support your efforts towards:

  • Evaluate last year’s engagement
  • Plan this year’s services
  • Client acquisition and clent retention
  • Service delivery
  • Monitor progress and efficiency
  • Reporting

We have been working successfully together with accounting firms for more than 20 years. This has given us in-depth knowledge of the accounting industry and enabled us to give you expert advice on how to manage and improve your business processes.

Schedule a free of charge appointment

Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej



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