Effective management for Advertising agencies

Effective management of the Advertising Agency thanks to Maconomy ERP

Advertising agencies face a variety of challenges that prevent them from operating effectively and developing. From project and team management, through monitoring campaign results, to the need to constantly adapt to changing trends and technologies. Understanding and dealing with these issues is key to success in the industry.

Maconomy understands these challenges and effectively supports the achievement of business goals. The system integrates all the necessary functions, such as project management, working time tracking, invoicing, data analysis and much more, in one integrated tool.

Here is how ERP in the Advertising Agency solves the problems that managers face:

  1. The absence of a single source of truth about the company and the use of many different, unrelated tools: Maconomy ensures that all relevant data related to the management of the advertising agency is centralized, allowing you to access them from one place.
  2. Lack of monitoring of actual revenue on individual projects and lack of cost and revenue reporting:
    The Maconomy system allows you to track project costs and revenue in real time, allowing you to monitor profitability accurately.
  3. No control over subcontractor costs: Maconomy facilitates the management of subcontracting costs through the budgeting mechanism and associated purchase orders, as well as the control of the entire purchasing process, including the “payment when paid” mechanism.
  4. Lack of execution control and resource use control: Maconomy enables effective project management by tracking progress, assigning tasks, and controlling resource usage.
  5. Problem with time sheets and their timeliness: Maconomy offers tools to track working time and schedule management, which facilitates timely data collection and report generation.
  6. Large number of fixed price projects: Maconomy allows you to manage fixed-price projects efficiently by strictly controlling costs and resources, minimizing the risk of exceeding the budget.
  7. Project Change Control: The Maconomy system allows you to track changes in the project and their impact on the budget and schedule, avoiding additional workload.
  8. Customer profitability: Maconomy offers tools to analyze customer profitability, allowing you to identify the most profitable business relationships and take appropriate action.

With a centralized ERP system for advertising agencies, managers of such organizations can more effectively manage their resources, control costs and increase their business profitability.

Given that a dedicated ERP system that supports the implementation of business processes in organizations, rather than imposing its solutions, over time it translates into an increase in the productivity of employees. It is worth calculating how much the revenue of the company will increase, if the time spent daily on the implementation of administrative work, will be able to devote to work for the client.

Assuming we have 50 employees whose work is our source of revenue. May they have the opportunity to devote 2 extra hours per month to activities for customers, by removing the obstruction, which were our ineffective solutions. Our market rate is, say, PLN 300 net. We earn 360 thousand PLN a year.

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Let's talk about a system tailored for your enterprise

    Anna Turzańska-Sadlej



    Todis Consulting is a Deltek representative offering Maconomy software. It provides comprehensive services related to system implementation, training and technical service.

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    Explore user reviews of ERP Maconomy

    The choice of Maconomy was determined by its broad functional scope and closely tailored solutions for the consulting industry.

    Krzysztof Kaczmarek

    Managing Partner


    With Maconomy, we process company data in real time and can make key business decisions instantly.

    Tomasz Zygadło


    Sigma Connectivity

    Maconomy functions like the brain of the entire agency. We have access to all information about projects, allocated resources or profitability in one system.

    Magdalena Łukaszewicz

    Project Manager


    The ERP system is an investment for years, which is why we focused on Maconomy, a solution proven in our other companies.

    Arek Szwestko


    Sigma Connectivity

    Our clients


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