Software House

Maconomy for Software Houses!

Companies in the Software House industry often encounter various management challenges that can negatively impact their efficiency and market competitiveness. Some key issues include:

  • Project Management: Complex IT projects require precise planning, progress tracking, and effective team coordination. A lack of effective project management tools can lead to delays in project delivery and budget overruns.
  • Lack of System Integration: Using multiple disconnected systems can result in data duplication, communication issues between departments, and time lost on data synchronization. Consequently, the company may suffer from inconsistency and operational inefficiency.
  • Inefficient Resource Utilization: Inability to effectively plan and allocate resources can lead to some employees being overburdened while others have little to do. This can cause an imbalance in workload and a decrease in productivity.
  • Lack of Project Financial Control: Disorganized project finances can lead to difficulties in cost monitoring, budgeting, and profitability analysis, limiting management’s ability to make informed business decisions.

Maconomy, as a comprehensive ERP system for Software Houses, offers a range of solutions for these problems:

  • Project Management: Maconomy enables effective planning, progress monitoring, and project management in one place. This allows the company to better control schedules, costs, and resources.
  • System Integration: Maconomy integrates various business functions and processes into a single platform, eliminating the need for multiple independent systems. This allows for consistent information management and avoids issues related to data duplication.
  • Optimization of Resource Utilization: With Maconomy, the company can better plan and allocate human and technological resources, leading to an even distribution of workload and increased operational efficiency.
  • Project Financial Control: Maconomy facilitates effective project financial management by monitoring costs, budgeting, and profitability analysis. This allows the company to make informed business decisions and optimize expenditures.

With Maconomy, Software Houses can manage their projects more effectively, improve resource utilization, and increase financial control, contributing to enhanced competitiveness and market success.



Umów się na bezpłatną konsultację

Porozmawiajmy o systemie dopasowanym dla Twojego przedsiębiorstwa

    Tomasz Wachla

    Sales and Marketing Director

    Todis Consulting jako wyłączny przedstawiciel firmy Deltek w Polsce, oferuje oprogramowanie Maconomy oraz kompleksowe usługi związane z wdrożeniem systemu, szkoleniami oraz serwisem technicznym.

    Status partnera

    Poznaj opinie użytkowników o ERP Maconomy

    O wyborze Maconomy zadecydował szeroki zakres funkcjonalny oraz ściśle dopasowane rozwiązania do branży konsultingowej.

    Krzysztof Kaczmarek

    Partner zarządzający


    Dzięki Maconomy, przetwarzamy dane firmowe w czasie rzeczywistym i możemy błyskawicznie podjąć kluczowe decyzje biznesowe.

    Tomasz Zygadło


    Sigma Connectivity

    Maconomy funkcjonuje niczym mózg całej agencji. W jednym systemie mamy dostęp do wszelkich informacji o projektach, alokowanych zasobach czy rentowności.

    Magdalena Łukaszewicz

    Project Manager


    System ERP to inwestycja na lata, dlatego postawiliśmy na Maconomy, rozwiązanie sprawdzone w naszych innych spółkach.

    Arek Szwestko


    Sigma Connectivity

    Nasi klienci


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