Webinar – Resource Management in Times of Uncertainty – April 25 at 11. 00 A.M.

16 April 2024

We invite you to the webinar, during which we will present a synthesis of solutions of our clients who, thanks to proper planning and preparation, were able to develop a strategy of resource management in times of uncertainty that gives them an advantage in the current, highly volatile market.

Link to registration HERE

Every one of us working in the professional services industry, whether in a law firm, a tax firm, a software company, or developing new technologies or medicines, can see how strongly fluctuations affect our business reality.

The days of cheap money are over. The times of growth strategy at all costs are also behind us. Now, what distinguishes market leaders is a rational approach to resource management. We are not only talking about capital or infrastructure, but also about how companies approach the development of their employees’ competencies, so that those who effectively performed their duties in a narrow group of tasks could move smoothly between projects and fill other roles.

We invite you to the webinar. The meeting will be hosted by Tomasz Wachla, Sales and Marketing Director at Todis Consulting, Special Guest will be Michalina Chmielewska, Senior People & Culture Specialist, HR Team Leader w Mirumee - software house - technology partner for clients from all over the world and various industries (e. g. ecommerce, medtech, printing, innovations), who deals with comprehensive project execution (tech development + product design).

Tomasz Wachla - is the director of the sales and the marketing department. Over the years, he has supported numerous of companies in building effective processes of acquiring sales leads and optimizing the sales process in IT companies. He gained his knowledge, among others, during Executive MBA studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences and during numerous consulting projects in which he participated.

Michalina Chmielewska - managing by understanding interpersonal relationships is my profession with passion and education. As the leader of the HR department, I try to fill the gap between the needs of employees and business goals, creating an environment in which both spheres understand and develop well. In addition, I actively co-create the Recruitment Beer event, bringing together HR, recruitment and Employer Branding enthusiasts.

The media partner of the event is www.erp-view.pl

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    Team of Todis