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High skills, an individual approach, and a quick response

High skills, an individual approach, and a quick response

Rafał Jakubowski [RJ]: Deltares works on smart solutions, innovations, and applications for people, the environment and society, with a focus on deltas, coastal regions, and river basins. Nevertheless, the institute does not have a branch in Poland. How did you establish this cooperation?

Anna Turzańska-Sadlej [ATS]: The same way as with our other collaborations: satisfied customers recommend us. We do not usually carry out sales and promotional activities abroad. Nevertheless, we have a unique skill-set, and we work with international corporations that operate globally and often recommend us to other companies within their group.

Our first contact with Deltares took place during the migration process to a new version of the Maconomy system. A consulting company from the Netherlands called Be Ready for Change was involved in the project, but the number of Maconomy consultants in the Benelux are limited. Deltares searched for additional support in other countries from the implementation partners of Deltek Inc.

RJ: How did they find Todis Consulting?

ATS: We are an exclusive implementation partner of Deltek Inc. in Poland. We offer not only new implementations, but also reimplementation projects, migrations to higher versions of ERP systems, functional extensions, and customized solutions.

The first foreign projects were a challenge for us, but today the majority of our consultants have already worked on numerous implementations abroad, and their experience pays off on subsequent projects. We gained an international reputation relatively quickly, and due to our appropriate experience and competence, Be Ready for Change offered us a collaboration and together we delivered the project on time.

RJ: That was only the beginning. The collaboration soon developed.

ATS: The migration to a new version was successfully completed. However, Deltares faced new challenges that required a quick reaction.

Michael van Swieten [MvS]: A few years ago, as a result of developing and growing the company, we were looking for a solution to automate the import of bank statements to an ERP system. Manual accounting came with the risk of errors and took a lot of time. Deltek doesn’t have developed solution that could solve the problem and they advised us to implement a partner solution. After considering various tools from different countries, the company finally has chosen Bankyer, a solution developed by Todis Consulting.

RJ: What is Bankyer?

ATS: Bankyer is a tool designed by Todis that helps to exchange information between an ERP system and home-banking applications. It is added as a module to and is fully synchronized with Maconomy. Bankyer’s main function is to prepare the files with payment transfers according to certain bank system requirements and automatically book electronic bank statements into the system.

RJ: Why did Deltares choose this solution?

MvS: Bankyer was exactly what we were looking for. We have more than 30 bank accounts in different currencies around the world. It was a huge relief to make most of our suppliers’ and customers’ payments with an automatic booking solution.

RJ: What was the benefit of implementing Bankyer?

Alex van Oosten [AvO]: We use Bankyer every day. It gives us better control without doing everything manually and also makes huge time savings. With an automatic banking solution, we can save 200–300 hours each year.

RJ: What you can say about working with Todis Consulting?

AvO: We are really satisfied with our collaboration with Todis and appreciate the wide knowledge of the Todis consultants – about the system and also of accounting and vendor payment processes. Around 80% of the issues we have with the system are sent directly to Todis now. We appreciate their individual customer approach and the quick response time for support.

RJ: What are your plans for the future?

AvO: The company is planning to implement vendor e-invoicing and refine the expense sheet and mileage sheet processes next year. Investigating the advantages of the newest version of Maconomy 2.4.2 will begin in 2019.

RJ: I wish you all good luck. Thank you for the interview.

Deltares was established in 2008 in the Netherlands. The company employs over 800 people and is the biggest independent institute for applied research in the field of water, subsurface, and infrastructure. Throughout the world, Deltares works on smart solutions, innovations, and applications for people, the environment, and society, with a focus on deltas, coastal regions, and river basins. Managing these densely populated and vulnerable areas is complex, which is why the company works closely with governments, businesses, other research institutes, and universities in the Netherlands and other countries.

Deltek is the leading global provider of enterprise software and information solutions for professional services firms and government contractors. For decades, we have delivered actionable insight that empowers our customers to unlock their business potential. More than 23,000 organizations and millions of users in over 80 countries around the world rely on Deltek to research and identify opportunities, win new business, optimize resources, streamline operations, and deliver more profitable projects.

Todis Consulting is an independent Polish consulting company providing comprehensive IT solutions to its customers. The company employs a team of consultants with long-term experience in IT systems implementations. Todis is working with over 100 customers in Poland and abroad. Todis consultants have had in-depth experience in Maconomy implementation since 2006, including in the international environment. The company specializes in ERP implementations but also creates its own solutions, modifications, and add-ons to existing systems such as Bankyer, Easy Reporting Tool, and SAF-T applications.

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