Growing Stronger Together! RamBase Summit – Gdańsk 23-24 April

22 April 2024

On behalf of our Partner - RamBase - we invite you to the two-day inspiration event, taking place in the vibrant city of Gdansk in Poland. The theme for this year's Customer event is "Growing Stronger Together."

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Our company will be represented by Tomasz Wachla - Sales and Marketing Director

Save the date today for an unforgettable experience at RamBase Summit 2024 and get the chance to gain valuable insights and forge connections that will empower and strengthen your business. 

With this theme, RamBase aims to highlight not only Clients growth through offered systems, but also the concept of building strength together as a network of experts. RamBase is a group of dedicated and knowledgeable individuals in the field of production and quality. They possess the knowledge of what it takes to grow and firmly believe that success is best attained through the collective sharing of experiences, inspiration, and knowledge.

What can you expect?

  1. Inspirational speakers and business discussions 
  2. Four parallel sessions with tailored tracks for your business interests
  3. Industry insights directly from our customers
  4. Discover insights for maximizing value with our systems
  5. Having a great time together!

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    Best regards,

    Team of Todis