Todis Consulting among the key IT solution providers in Poland according to Computerworld magazine – TOP 200 ranking

09 July 2024

The report includes over 65 rankings, including 'The Largest IT Companies in Poland,' which features 367 entities with revenues from the sale of IT solutions and services of at least 1 million PLN. Among them is Todis Consulting Group. We are pleased to have found ourselves among the best IT providers and to have maintained consistent growth.!

Computerworld TOP 200' is the largest and most detailed report on the state of the Polish ICT sector. Each company appearing in the 'Computerworld TOP 200' report is analyzed based on dozens of parameters. Preparing the tabular material is a complex process of analyzing and compiling data from several hundred enterprises into 65 tables gathered in six categories, presenting IT companies' revenues in terms of: market conditions, sectors to which they sell, products (sections on services, hardware, and software), and a special category – telecommunications. Thanks to such extensive work, it is possible to capture significant data and market trends, and above all, measure the value of the entire ICT market in Poland.

In the course of surveying ICT companies and collecting financial results, the Computerworld editorial team also asks company representatives about their market sentiments. And these are not bad at all. Eight out of ten companies assess the next year's ICT market conditions as better or the same.

Of course, companies also face challenges, such as staff shortages, especially noticeable in the area of development skills, but this does not overshadow the optimism of further market growth and a sense of industry stability.

Will the market predictions come true? We'll see in a year. For now, it's time to understand 2023 and draw conclusions.

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