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How creative agencies use their CRM to build a business growth strategy

How creative agencies use their CRM to build a business growth strategy

What is a creative agency?

The creative agency is not only the so-called “pretty pictures”, but above all the strategy that will be discussed today, research, planning and design thanks to which they are able to create what the client expects. These are usually TV ads, social campaigns, website design or usually posters. The common denominator for all these solutions is to be creative and innovative so that these activities stand out from the others.

How can CRM help a creative agency in building a company’s growth strategy?

The strategy of a creative agency is to define marketing goals and create a strategy to achieve them so that the client stays by their side as long as possible. Therefore, the CRM database will help them to obtain the necessary information about the customer, about its recipients and have such data that will allow to create the ideal project for the customer. In order for the work of a creative agency to make sense and be effective, it must have its activities very adapted to its client. At this point, CRM is very helpful because it is a customer database through which we can find out about their needs and preferences. Starting from the top position, i. e. the CRM database manager helps him measure the effectiveness of the services they create through the reports available to him. With such an analysis of sales and marketing activities, you can identify trends and areas for improvement such as inadequately prepared offers, insufficient sales training, poor communication strategy that make sales efficiency less effective. The CRM system will provide us with knowledge about the profitability of projects, customers or individual services. Our aim will be to use them to support the implementation of the adopted strategy.

This type of tools used in such companies deal with project management and division of tasks among employees, which improves work and ensures timely implementation of projects. Above all, CRM strengthens the relationship with our partners. It is thanks to it that we acquire new ones and keep those who have already trusted us. This should be the basis of business strategy in such companies. This system helps to manage leads, i. e. potential customers, track their status and take action to acquire them. CRM allows you to evaluate and prioritize opportunities for sales of a given service so that you can know what is more effective to invest your resources and increase business activities, and what is better to give up, because the chances of selling them are slim.

By implementing CRM, creative agencies can significantly improve their efficiency, quality of customer service, and ability to make informed decisions based on data analysis. This tool becomes crucial at a time when we want our strategy to be even more efficient.

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