Time is money – how much time can be saved with AI? Webinar! Already on 5 June at 11. 00

15 May 2024

AI is no longer just a novelty or a keyword opening the portfolios of investors. AI is already ubiquitous, and companies that effectively implement it into their business processes will gain an advantage over their competitors.

That’s why we invite you to a webinar about how AI allows us at Todis Consulting Group to save time.

It will take us 2 weeks to prepare the upcoming webinar. It'll take two hours to record. Similarly, material processing. During all this time, you could meet one person from all the participants and talk to them about the challenges they face in their organization and how we can help them solve them, among other things, using the tools we will talk about.

Therefore, we invite you to talk about how we can reduce the time spent on our tasks by using available tools using Artificial Intelligence.

How much is an hour of your work worth to you? How to accomplish the same task faster and, above all, why use them when the old methods worked.

We will try to answer these questions during the webinar on June 5th at 11am. We cordially invite you.


- We will discuss what AI can be used for in the sales process

- We will discuss what AI can be used for in the marketing processes of organizations

- When AI is a toy and when a tool

- Opportunities and Threats when implementing these types of tools - We will be happy to learn how you use these types of solutions and how you use them

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    Best regards,

    Team of Todis