RamBase Summit 2024 | 23-24 April Gdańsk

19 June 2024

The memories of the Rambase event in Gdansk are still very vivid in my memory. Rambase has organized a unique event during which we could learn about future plans for the software, meet the team responsible for the system development and meet all the colorful people that make the community.

Rambase is focused on Polish market for a reason. We have plenty of organizations obsessed with the quality. Often those companies manufacture directly for a customer based on his own specifications and designs. This is the environment where the Rambase thrives with it’s state of the art quality management system  for managing both the system and quality processes, as well as a flexible yet, very robust and safe ERP system that addresses all the challenges that those companies face.

Enjoy the video recorded during the event.

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    Team of Todis