We are proud to sponsor “Gwiazdka z Fantazją”

09 January 2024

Our company is proud to sponsor "Gwiazdka z Fantazją"

We are honored to have been able to support the "Gwiazdka z Fantazją" initiative, an extraordinary Christmas gala for children suffering from incurable diseases. We were a sponsor of this unforgettable event, which gathered more than 400 extraordinary proteges.

"Gwiazdka z fantazją" is not only a gift but also a time of joy and forgetting about everyday suffering. We were moved to see the smiles on the faces of the pupils and their enthusiasm and joy at meeting the real Santa Claus.

Being a sponsor of this event is a unique experience for our company, which allows us to strengthen ties with the local community. Thank you to the organizers, partners, and everyone who contributed to the success of this amazing initiative.

Watch the film report and feel the Christmas spirit!

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    Best regards,

    Team of Todis