Deltek has released Deltek Touch Time & Expense application that is compatible with Maconomy. It allows to report or manage the process of time acceptation at any time regardless of the location of the user (in a taxi, train, waiting for a plane …).
With Maconomy Touch Time & Expense application employees can update the data on the amount of time spent on tasks assigned to them during or immediately after they are made, for example after the meeting with the client.
Benefits of using the mobile application:
Current and future users of Maconomy system can use the advantages of rapid and convenient reporting time on mobile devices equipped with iOS or Android.
Let's talk about a system tailored to your company
Anna Turzańska-Sadlej
Senior Consultant
Todis Consulting is a Deltek representative offering Maconomy software. It provides comprehensive services related to system implementation, training and technical service.
The file with the material is available for download.
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Team of Todis